Ludwig Gruber Apps

DiffTool the File Compare Tool 2.08
Ludwig Gruber
Use this diff utility to compare text, binaryfiles (HexDiff), complete folders and SD-cards.It can compare documents too (the unformated text of them).+ And you can also store information about all the files located onyour directories, to detect changed files later.The functions of DiffTool in detail:1. Compare 2 Texts:- supports:text files,clipboard text,source code,text of documents (Microsoft Office and Open Office),compiled Android XML (diff Manifest file)- supported file formats:ASCII, ANSI, ISO-8859-1, Latin1, CP1252,UNICODE (UTF-8/16/32 little and big endian),DOCX, XLSX, PPTX,ODT, ODS, ODP,DOC, XLS, PPT, RTF(latin1 only)- ignores differences on whitespace- ignores end-of-line format differences (Unix,Windows,Mac)- search for text or line numbers2. Compare 2 Binary Files (HexDiff):- files can have any format- HEX and ASCII display- checks differences on whitespace and end-of-line- search for HEX, ASCII text or the address- when having tons of bytes which differ, showing all details cantake a while3. Compare 2 Folders:- checks if files are 100% BIT EXACT(to compare by HASH run 4.)- include or exclude subfolders- compare the content of ZIP, JAR, EPUB and APK- search for file names- use double-click to compare/merge files or to merge/synchronizefolders4. Store Folders State:- Stores the state containing the info of files located on yourdirectories. By viewing this state later (see 5.) all fileschanged, since the state has been stored, are displayed.- This feature can also be used to compare two SD-Cards. Store thestate of card 1, after it, replace card 1 by card 2, view thestored state (see 5.) and all the files which differ will beshown.5. View Stored Diff File:- loads stored diff's, also of other Diff/Patch tools- loads a folder state file and checks changes6. View the Text of a File:- views any text file, the text of supported documents andclipboard's text- views AndroidManifest.XML of any APK7. View a Binary File:- Hex Viewer8. FGrep:- search for text in files and documents (find in files)On the Result Screens:- colors:red = old content Agreen = new content Bred/green = changed contentyellow = inline changesblack = identical content, A=B- pinch-to-zoom- export results as text- works on big and small displays! (uses an integrated view insteadof 2 panels)- you can search for text, file names and line numbers- click long on a file to open itDiffTool is also an ideal source code viewer for all developers tocheck their changes on C, C++, HTML, PHP, C4droid *, Python ® **,AIDE ***, Java ® **** and any other source code.Useful AddOns:- Fonts for DiffTool( DiffDroid( temporary version of DiffTool is currently free of charge andfree of advertising!= NO WARRANTY =THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. IT IS PROVIDED "ASIS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRERISK AS TO THE QUALITY, YOUR DEVICE, YOUR DATA AND PERFORMANCE OFTHE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU.* C4Droid is a product of n0n3m4.** Python ® is a registered trademark of the Python SoftwareFoundation (PSF).*** AIDE is a product of the appfour GmbH**** Java ® is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems,Inc.
Rubbelkönig (ScratchKing) 1.17
Ludwig Gruber
Who on earth has the fastest super finger, andis the Rubbelkönig (scratch king)?Check by today how fast you are.A frequency of 4 Hz is OK, 5 Hz is good, 6 Hz is excellent.Its also much fun, when you play that realtime-multiplayer gameonline with your friends.To play the match with your friend simply be online and enter themultiplayer page at the same time.1 to 10 persons can join the same match and it makes much fun onparties or school.Your Alias name will be stored on the internet highscore list. Soyou can see if you are the Rubbelkönig (the king of scratch).To move your figure, simply rub your finger as fast as possiblecross over the screen.This game is compatible to the game canoe race.Remark:This game is at your own risk.Stop it before it hurts your fingers,before you damage your hardware,or your screen melts.Have a lot of Fun!!!= NO WARRANTY =THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. IT IS PROVIDED "ASIS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRERISK AS TO THE QUALITY, YOUR HARDWARE, YOUR DATA AND PERFORMANCE OFTHE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU.
Fonts for Diff Tool 1.9
Ludwig Gruber
This package is independent from DiffTool. Itcopies free fonts from different authors to your device. Thesefonts can be used for any APP which handles TrueType Fonts, likeDiffTool.Please check licenses below and that your device has 20 MBytes offree flash first!To get more beautiful fonts or to display none Latin characterslike Thai, Hangul, Japanese, Chinese and many others, you caninstall this package or any other free TrueType Font.Many TTFs can be downloaded from internet or copied from yourPC. For example free for private use only is Bitstream Cyberbit see LINKS with 32910 chars or have a look at which isnearly complete.Nearly all Microsoft Office® and many Mac® **** users do have alicensed "Arial Unicode MS" font on their computer, which has 38917chars and works with DiffTool too.This package contains the WenQuanYi Font with more than 34000characters, it supports Latin, Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese, Koreanand many other languages:• wqy-MicroHei.ttf (Apache 2 * / GPL 3 License **)More Info about it and its sources see: this package contains the 4 GNU Free Fonts supporting Latin,Cyrillic, South Asian fonts and others:• FreeMono.ttf (GNU FreeFont License ***)• FreeMonoBold.ttf (GNU FreeFont License ***)• FreeSans.ttf (GNU FreeFont License ***)• FreeSerif.ttf (GNU FreeFont License ***)More Info about it and its sources see: these fonts will be stored into the folder:/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.difftool.fonts/files/fontsWith any file explorer, you can of course move these files to yourexternal SD card (to save internal flash).* The WenQuanYi Font Apache 2 License:Copyrights:- © 2007, Google Corporation- © 2008-2009, WenQuanYi Project Board of Trustees- © 2008-2009, mozbug and Qianqian Fang (Droid Sans Fallbackextension interface)Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the"License");you may not use this file except in compliance with theLicense.You may obtain a copy of the License at: required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express orimplied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.** The GPL 3 License:See:*** The GNU FreeFont License:Free UCS scalable fonts is free software; you can redistribute itand/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licenseas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 ofthe License, or (at your option) any later version.The fonts are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, butWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNUGeneral Public License for more details.As a special exception, if you create a document which uses thisfont, and embed this font or unaltered portions of this font intothe document, this font does not by itself cause the resultingdocument to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Thisexception does not however invalidate any other reasons why thedocument might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If youmodify this font, you may extend this exception to your version ofthe font, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish todo so, delete this exception statement from your version.!!! All license information is also stored as text next to theinstalled *.ttf files !!!**** Mac® is a regisered trademark of Apple Inc.**** Microsoft Office® is a registered trademark ofMicrosoft Corporation 
findme 3D - labyrinth / maze 1.32
Ludwig Gruber
Find your friend in this amazing 3D labyrinth / maze game and mindthe monsters
Find Easter Eggs 0.04
Ludwig Gruber
Find a basket with Easter eggs in an amazing labyrinth
DiffDroid 0.3
Ludwig Gruber
DiffDroid is a Add-On for DiffTool, whichextends it's functionality.DiffDroid functions in detail:- this APP allows DiffTool to open the files and documents in aneditor of your choice.- by using that APP, you can start DiffTool from any File Explorer(simply select DiffDroid when you open a file from your Explorer;then press "Select the Second File" to add file B: in the sameway).- this APP offers Java®* intents to integrate DiffTool into anyother Java®* App (more about see below).Coming soon:- DiffDroid will give DiffDroid access to Google Drive™**- DiffDroid will give DiffTool access to files on your localnetwork.For software developers:By using this APP, you can use the following code to integrateDiffTool into your Apps.// Compare 2 text filesIntent intent =getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.difftool.diffdroid");intent.putExtra("compare", "text");intent.putExtra("fileA", PATH+FILENAME);intent.putExtra("fileB", PATH+FILENAME);startActivity(intent);// Compare 2 binary filesIntent intent =getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.difftool.diffdroid");intent.putExtra("compare", "binary");intent.putExtra("fileA", PATH+FILENAME);intent.putExtra("fileB", PATH+FILENAME);startActivity(intent);// Compare 2 foldersIntent intent =getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.difftool.diffdroid");intent.putExtra("compare", "folder");intent.putExtra("folderA", PATHNAME);intent.putExtra("folderB", PATHNAME);startActivity(intent);// Store folder stateIntent intent =getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.difftool.diffdroid");intent.putExtra("compare", "store");intent.putExtra("folder", PATHNAME);startActivity(intent);// View a stored DIFF fileIntent intent =getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.difftool.diffdroid");intent.putExtra("compare", "view");intent.putExtra("file", PATH+FILENAME);startActivity(intent);= NO WARRANTY =THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. IT IS PROVIDED "ASIS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRERISK AS TO THE QUALITY, YOUR DEVICE, YOUR DATA AND PERFORMANCE OFTHE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU.* Java ® is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.** Google Drive™ and Android™ are trademarks of Google, Inc.